
by Yohanes Rumfan

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Andres Tejido 01:31.871 0
Alvaro González González 01:31.871 0
Aaron Lopez 01:31.872 0
David Garcia 01:31.886 0
Andika Labatjo 01:31.897 0
Alberto Vivaracho Bueno 01:31.914 0
Joan Casany Ibañez 01:31.937 0
Retmida Prihadi 01:31.939 0
Yohanes Rumfan 01:32.486 0
KT Walker 01:34.171 0
Pala Yuda Seno 01:38.684 0
Misty Nissen 01:43.057 0