Oval 2 Lane

by Unknown

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Alex Casado Jimenez 00:11.708 0
Gonzalo Azanza 00:11.920 0
Jiři Bien 00:12.178 0
Ezequiel Ferreyro 00:12.256 0
Anne Frecknell 00:12.314 0
nsername 00:12.322 1
Jeremie Hartmann 00:12.346 0
anonymous 00:12.817 2
Md Si 00:12.891 0
true 00:13.143 1
anonymous 00:13.478 2
anonymous 00:13.611 2
Alejandro Asenjo Rodriguez 00:13.815 0
Sabrevath Ae 00:13.816 0
nsername 00:13.962 2
anonymous 00:14.047 2
Yodel TheMid-TownWiz Muck 00:14.193 0
anonymous 00:15.016 1
true 00:15.039 2
true 00:15.852 1
Alvaro Marin Lopez 00:16.515 0
John Jefferson 00:18.325 0
Michele Garcia Mantovani 00:25.410 0