World 4-A: Circles

by Betty Johnson

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Times from the Android App:
Aji Abdul Dzakwan 00:08.135 0
Javier Vasquez 00:08.334 0
true 00:08.391 3
Thai Thuong Khai 00:08.496 0
true 00:09.393 2
Betty Johnson 00:09.393 0
Ethan Huebner 00:09.393 0
Jackie An Suzie Daniel 00:09.393 0
Robb Gilb 00:09.393 0
Jose Manino 00:09.393 0
Pem Gulapa 00:09.397 0
Sarah Porter 00:09.422 0
true 00:09.657 2
Munim Butt 00:10.064 0
Michael Neutman 00:10.618 0
Brandon Laymon 00:10.619 0
true 00:10.925 3
Noah Frasier 00:11.434 0
Daniel Jover DueƱas 00:11.570 0
true 00:12.834 4