
by Jacob Brees

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Steve Pressley 00:21.584 0
Paul Whale 00:21.586 0
Michele Taxista Moretti 00:21.586 0
Maik Neubuch 00:21.586 0
Jacob Brees 00:21.586 0
Paco Rodriguez Palomares 00:21.586 0
Izan Cipitria 00:21.586 0
true 00:23.054 4
Abel Lacruz 00:24.393 0
true 00:25.261 3
Liam Dooley 00:25.262 0
true 00:28.936 2
Pedro Flores Couque 00:28.937 0
Darion Hill 00:32.657 0