la rareza

by Rodri Paredes

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Patito Blanco 00:20.064 0
Aldy Susatyo 00:20.514 0
Torsten Schima 00:20.706 0
Jordi Martinez Cabrera 00:21.421 0
Harvey Corser 00:22.577 0
Joseph Vroman 00:23.241 0
Sergik Fdez 00:24.578 0
Jordi Lluis 00:26.302 0
Reza De Davinci 00:26.855 0
Bruno Lourenço 00:28.247 0
Leandro Motta Trasel 00:30.649 0
Axel Darce 00:36.863 0
Rodri Paredes 00:43.922 0