
by Mathys Lepetit

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Mat Lpt 00:27.937 0
true 00:27.939 2
true 00:27.943 2
Dionis Oliva Forcen 00:27.945 0
Gary Hall 00:27.945 0
Cesar Pazos 00:27.945 0
Ayesha Imran 00:28.302 0
Tim Lpt 00:28.792 0
Salman Jaher 00:31.542 0
Oliver Kristiansson Södergård 00:31.544 0
true 00:31.544 1
Ricardo Monteiro 00:31.544 0
Aaron Ef 00:31.561 0
Lucas Gomes 00:31.842 0