Circle 2

by Filippo Antonioni

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Dale Holman 00:17.357 0
Jaume Castells Galindo 00:17.373 0
Oliver Kristiansson Södergård 00:17.376 0
Ahmad Ezz-eddine 00:17.403 0
Alberto Mahiques Onrubia 00:17.411 0
anonymous 00:17.418 2
anonymous 00:17.420 3
Thomas Schneider 00:17.427 0
jpedro 00:17.431 2
Timo König 00:17.435 0
Logan Washam 00:17.446 0
Dorlene Lowe 00:17.464 0
Javier Zarza 00:17.472 0
Sam Nowak 00:17.483 0
Thomas Lepley 00:17.485 0
Maik Neubuch 00:17.496 0
Lucas Vazquez 00:17.499 0
Maazeen Choudry 00:17.531 0
Mundo Contreras Ortega 00:17.537 0
Víctor Castillo Martín 00:17.555 0
jpedro 00:19.824 4