
by Joel Abad

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
true 00:08.376 3
David Fernández 00:08.430 0
Jari van Hees 00:09.282 0
Daniel Laureano 00:09.809 0
Eneko Urdiales 00:09.839 0
Ale Nieto Bautista 00:10.174 0
true 00:10.276 3
true 00:10.327 4
Le Jaques Santos 00:10.350 0
Lydia van Eijk 00:10.361 0
true 00:10.766 2
Begoña Vila 00:11.979 0
Wolfgang Gunzelmann 00:12.850 0
Joel Abad 00:14.979 0