
by David Diez Fernández

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Jendrik Wren Masangcay 00:17.412 0
Ricardo Araujo Roa 00:17.431 0
Simone Pinali 00:17.448 0
Alberto Vivaracho Bueno 00:17.448 0
Ryan Clark 00:17.459 0
Daniel Hill 00:17.465 0
Norberto Luceni 00:17.467 0
Simone Bocchino 00:17.469 0
Manel Signes Beltrí 00:17.485 0
Víctor Castillo Martín 00:17.505 0
Alba Martín Hernández 00:17.513 0
Greg Djjuggz Rogerz 00:17.553 0
Dominic Chavez 53:19.995 0