boring NASCAR

by Ricardo Muratalla

Play in this circuit

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Times from the Android App:
Diego Rodriguez Garcia 01:12.848 0
Adri Viegas 01:12.864 0
Bradley Aleshire 01:12.870 0
Pat Hayes 01:12.877 0
Ricardo Muratalla 01:12.897 0
Chris Bereit Bud Spencer 01:12.897 0
Jon Beitia Atxa 01:12.923 0
Salvatore Gibilaro 01:13.196 0
James Thomason 01:14.157 0
Ruben Reyes Rodriguez 01:14.238 0
Marcos Lcs 01:14.241 0
Ican Ikhsan AnnBury MacFarlane 01:14.535 0
David Prieto Santotomás 01:14.985 0
Kodee A Thompson 01:15.122 0
Mauro Pinheiro 01:15.265 0
Blake P. Collett 01:15.314 0
Eric Monaco 01:15.320 0
Keith Van Buskirk 01:15.339 0
Petr Jadrny 01:15.340 0
topina 01:15.371 1
Hector Mollon Fernandez 01:15.391 0
Alberto Vivaracho Bueno 01:15.408 0
Julienah Zaisah Cali 01:15.410 0
Héctor Ramón Alonso Vázquez 01:15.418 0
Ahmed Cali 01:15.423 0